Steps for Acquiring a Film Permit in DeKalb County
The film industry is a highly lucrative and creative field that requires a great deal of planning and preparation to ensure a production’s success. One of the most fundamental aspects of film production is acquiring the necessary permits required to shoot in specific locations. We will walk you through the steps required to acquire a film permit in DeKalb County, one of the most diverse and dynamic locations to film in the United States.
Step 1: Finding the Perfect Location
The first step in acquiring a film permit in DeKalb County is finding the perfect location for your production. The DeKalb Entertainment Commission website has an extensive database of locations to choose from. Using their custom-built Locations Search feature, you can explore diverse location options to find the perfect place for your film. From city parks to sprawling estates and haunted houses, you’ll have a vast array of options to bring your vision to life.
Step 2: Apply for a Permit
When you’ve found the perfect location for your production, it’s time to apply for a permit. Click on the Apply for Permit button, and you will be redirected to the application page specific to the jurisdiction of your desired location. If you don’t have an account for the city or county, you can create one to file your permit.

Step 3: Contact Permit Manager
If you have any issues regarding your permit application, reach out to the permit manager listed on the location hosting the permit. They will provide you with all the information and assistance you need to get your permit approved in no time.
Above: Sampling of locations in the DeKalb Entertainment Commission’s Location Search
Securing a film permit is an essential part of any film production, and filming in DeKalb County provides you with some of the most stunning and diverse locations imaginable. Film location scouts, directors of photography, film directors, and producers can all take advantage of DeKalb County’s diverse locations. By following the steps outlined here, you can easily acquire your DeKalb County film permit and bring your vision to life.